Minggu, 15 April 2018

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Usage (Kegunaan)
Menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang mulai terjadi pada waktu lampau hingga masa sekarang. Keterangan waktu (adverb) yang sering digunakan antara lain :
Since = sejak
For = selama
Mengungkapkan kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa kini. Keterangan waktu (adverb) yang sering digunakan antara lain:
Already = sudah
Recently = baru-baru ini
Lately = akhir-akhir ini
So far = hingga kini

Formula (Rumus)
  I/You/We/They + Have + Past Participle
  He/She/It           + Has   + Present Participle

Positive Sentence (Kalimat Positif)
S + Have / Has + V3 + O/Adv
      Contoh :
We have gone to Surabaya.
I have read a story book.
He has bought the rulers.
She has seen an accident in the street.
Negative Sentence (Kalimat Negatif)
S + Have/Has + Not + V3 + O/Adv
      Contoh :
I have not (haven’t) received a prize.
They have not (haven’t) played football.
He has not (hasn’t) spoken English.
It hasn’t slept in the stable.

Interrogative Sentence (Kalimat Pertanyaan)
Positive Interrogative (pertanyaan positif)
Have / Has + S +V3 + O/Adv?
      Contoh :
Have you met your friend, Ayu?
Have we eaten in the kitchen?
Has he sung a song well?
Has she understood the lesson?

Negative Interrogative (pertanyaan negative)
Have/Has + not + S + (not) + V3 + O/Adv?
      Contoh :
Have not (haven’t) you written a letter?
Or, Have you not wr itten a letter?
Haven’t they learnt the English leson?
Has he not heard the music?
Hasn’t she found my red hat?

Usage (Kegunaan)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu atau aksi telah di mulai di masa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai sekarang.
Bentuk waktu ini lebih jelas penggunaannya jika digunakan keterangan waktu yang menggunakan kata depan since atau for.

Formula (Rumus)
Positive Sentence (Kalimat Positif)
Untuk subjek I, We, You They : S + Have been + V1 + ing
Untuk subjek He, She, It          : S + Has been + V1 + ing
      Contoh :
She has been studying for three hours.
We have been living her since 2003.

Negative Sentence (Kalimat Negatif)
Untuk subjek I, We, You They : S + Have + not + been + V1 + ing
Untuk subjek He, She, It          : S + Has + not +been + V1 + ing

Contoh :
She has not been studying for three hours.
We have not been living her since 2003.

Interrogative Sentence (Kalimat Pertanyaan)
Untuk subjek I, We, You They : Have + Subjek + been + V1 + ing ?
Untuk subjek He, She, It          : Has + Subjek + been + V1 + ing ?

Contoh :
Has she been studying for three hours ?
Have we been living here since 2003 ?

Usage (Kegunaan)
Menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau keadaan yang telah terjadi di waktu lampau sebelum suatu perbuatan atau keadaan lain terjadi.
Contoh :
My mother had cooked the soup before I left.
He had been here when we came.
Digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam bentuk simple past tense yang menggunakan kata Tanya why.
Contoh :
Why did dhe want go to there?
Because she had never been there before.

Formula (Bentuk)
Kalimat Verbal
Positife Sentence (Kalimat Positif)
Subyek + Had + Past Participle (V3)
Contoh :
-She had slept when I came last night.
-We had copied the lesson before our teacher came to the class.
2. Negative Sentence (Kalimat Negative)
Subyek + Had + Not + Past participle (V3)
Contoh :
-She had not slept when I came last night.
-We had not copied the lesson before our teacher came to the class.
3. Interrogative Sentence (Kalimat Tanya)
Had + Subyek + Past Participle (V3)
Contoh :
-Had she slept when I came last night?
-Had we copied the lesson before our teacher came to the class?
Kalimat Nominal
1. Positife Sentence (Kalimat Positif)
Subyek + Had + Been + Non Verb
Contoh :
-I had been there when the accident happened.
-She had been a doctor when he went abroad.
Negative Sentence (Kalimat Negative)
Subyek + Had + Not + Been + Non Verb
Contoh :
-I had not been there when the accident happened.
-She had not been a doctor when he went abroad.
Interrogative Sentence (Kalimat Tanya)
Had + Subyek + Been + Non Verb ?
Contoh :
-Had I been there when the accident happened?
-Had she been a doctor when he went abroad?

Usage (Kegunaan)
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau keadaan yang telah dimulai dan masih berlangsung di waktu lampau.
Untuk menyatakan keadaan atau peristiwa dengan menggunakan bentuk Non Verb (bukan kata kerja) maka sebelum non verb ditanbah dengan “being” yang berfungsi sebgai pengganti kata kerja.
Contoh :
They had been being very happy after I gave them much money.

Formula (Bentuk)
Positive Sentence (Kalimat Positif)
Subyek + Had + Been + V1 + Ing
Contoh :
- They had been living here for three years when I came.
-She had been being sick for two days when we went to Jakarta.

Negative Sentence (Kalimat Negative)
Subyek + Had + Not + Been + V1 + Ing
Contoh :
- They had not been living here for three years when I came.
-She had not been being sick for two days when we went to Jakarta.

Interrogative Sentence (Kalimat Tanya)
Had + Subyek + Been + V1 + Ing?
Contoh :
- Had they been living here for three years when I came?
-Had she been being sick for two days when we went to Jakarta?

Subject-Verb Agreement
Pengertian Subject Verb Agreement
Agreement berarti kesesuaian. Kata lain dari agreement adalah concord. Sedangkan Subject Verb Agreement adalah kesesuian antara subjek dengan kata kerja dalam sebuah kalimat. Sebuah kata kerja harus sesuai dengan subyeknya.
Contoh :
The cat eats fish
Cat = singular subject
Eats = singular verb
The cat eats fish
Cats = plural subject
Eats = plural verb

Aturan Subject Verb Agreement
Singular – Plural
Prepositional Phrares
Conjustion ‘and’
Expressions Of Quantity
Agreement After Certain Words
Interrupting Phrases
There and Here

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